169th Fighter Wing receives an AFOA ACA inspection from 1AF/AFNORTH
Senior Master Sgt. Brian Norris, a weapons inspector assigned to AFNORTH/1AF from Tyndall Air Force Base, Fla., evaluates a 169th Fighter Wing's weapons load team during a weapons reliability check, Sept. 26, 2012. The McEntire team consists of Master Sgt. Jeremy Pow, team leader, and Senior Airmen Steven Hollis and Carlos Graham, all assigned to the 169th Fighter Wing's Aerospace Control Alert unit. McEntire Joint National Guard Base's Aerospace Control Alert mission receives an Alert Force Operational Assessment (AFOA) inspection from 1AF/AFNORTH to evaluate its ability to provide for our nation's homeland defense. McEntire is home of the Swamp Foxes of the South Carolina Air National Guard and the 169th Fighter Wing.