AFNORTH CC addresses concerns at commander's call

TYNDALL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. -- During a commander's call Aug. 20, the commander, Continental U.S. Aerospace Defense Region-1st Air Force (Air Forces Northern), and some of his staff shared their knowledge about issues currently concerning AFNORTH members to include manpower, climate survey results and the budgetary atmosphere.

While Lt. Gen. William Etter, Commander, CONR-1st AF (AFNORTH), acknowledged manpower cuts may be forthcoming, he sought to assure audience members he will strive to avoid cuts wherever possible.

"We are going to do everything we can to keep everyone who parks in the parking lot to remain parking there," he said. "Please, no high anxiety worrying about this. We were able to get through this last time, I believe we can do it again."

Reviewing results of the climate assessment survey, the general noted both success areas and those needing improvement.

"I have answered many climate surveys over the years," he said. "Not once was I ever given feedback. For those of you who took the survey, I believe you should receive results along with what my intentions are to correct areas we need to work on."

After the general's initial remarks, Chief Master Sgt. Ronald Anderson, AFNORTH Command Chief, provided information about changes to the enlisted evaluation system.

"We're going to get back to what it means to wear the uniform and be an Airman," the Chief said. "We are going to revive what it means to have an Air Force Specialty Code, to do our jobs in a one-team environment - all keys to help us adapt to upcoming transitions."

Regarding the current fiscal environment, Dave Kostic, AFNORTH Chief of Finance Management, reminded the audience fiscal 2015 will probably begin on a continuing resolution. That means, at least for a while, only mission essential items will be purchased.

Following Kostic's brief, the AFNORTH Chief of Staff, John Griffin, invited the staff to share their hails and farewells and then Etter made closing comments.

"First, I think things are going very, very well," he said.  "We've had more long-range aviation activity from the Russians than we've had in a long time. We've been accomplishing the fire fighting mission - and our Theater Security Cooperation efforts have been very effective. Second, We're in a period of transition and change - but change has been a constant over my 34-year career - and change will continue to happen. I want you to know that your leaders are doing all we can to watch your back - you're the reason things are going so well across the entire enterprise. And finally,  we never know what the next thing will be that we have to respond to - whether it be a hurricane, an earthquake or a terrorist attack. I need you to stay focused, stay safe, and be ready. Your Nation and I are counting on you - and we know you'll deliver."