1st Air Force hosts 5K Ruck for Hunger
TYNDALL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla.- Senior Master Sgt. Tricia DeLuna, 1st Air Force Manpower & Personnel Directorate, weighs the backpack of Maj. Peter Shinn, 601st air Operations Center executive officer, prior to the start of the second annual 5K Ruck March For Hunger May 4 here. Military and civilian members of 1st AF and the 601st Air Operations Center and their family members participated to help raise awareness about hunger along with food donations for community food pantries and agencies in the Panama City area. Nearly 100 people donned 30+ lb. ruck sacks, back packs or donated food to support the food drive which raised 1,911 lbs. The drive began last year when a 1st Air Force Airman saw a statistic stating that numerous students in Bay County were going to school hungry. (Air Force photo by Mary McHale)